
Friday, 7 December 2012

Crystal Seagulls Q&A

Your name: 

Where are you from?
London, England

Name of band: 
Crystal Seagulls.

Who else is in your band? 
John, Elz and Ben.

How would you describe yourselves? 
We're young, but legal! Essentially like a bad 'man walks into a bar' joke, as although we're based in London we consist of a Londoner, a Brummy, a Chershire lad and a Hertfordshire(arian?).

Who are your main influences musically? 
Who doesn't love One Direction right?! We're four completely different guys with different tastes in music, and although mine are clearly the best, I guess you could say British Rock n Roll is something that unites us...none of this, 'hey guys!! I found a Shakuhachi on my travels and think we should re hash No Woman No Cry with the sound of a thousand throat singing Tibetan monks!' Basically, the good stuff, no matter what genre it falls under.

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
The unachievable? ;) Basically, I can't speak for everyone in the band, but it would be great to be going around the world (first class of course!) playing our music at sell out gigs, and 50 years down the line hearing a busker screeching a verse or two of one of our tunes! Oh yeah, of course fame and sex is good too...

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
For me personally, it was headlining our stage at this year's BrisFest, turning what were once peace loving people into violent, sweating, intoxicated, dancing animals!

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
None of it! Well there was that one time when John asked if I wanted to see a magic wand and he- nothing

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what would it be and why?
For me personally it would be Play Dead which John wrote...mainly because of how it is an instant impact song and just levies the fuck out of you! But don't tell John I said that... The great thing is that everyone has a different favourite, although NO 1 for most people seems to be Yours For As Long As You Keep Me...another one of John's....I'm not jealous I just...I wrote Ups And Downs?

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask? 
We're recording and filming and posing and doing lots of other fun things, so you will have a whole new plethora of CS delights to sink your teeth into!

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