
Monday, 17 December 2012

Haster Q&A

Your name: 
David Heida.

Where are you from? 
Orange County, California, USA.

Name of band: 

Who else is in your band? 
Jarret Stockmar (Vocals), Brian Tew (Drums), Bob McCool (Bass)

How would you describe yourselves?  
We’re a melodic heavy rock/metal band. We go from one extreme to the other. Parts in our songs will go from very melodic epic harmonies to super raw heavy breakdowns.

Who are your main influences musically?  
Nirvana opened to the doors to me for music. The moment I heard them my world changed and I got into bands like Metallica, Green Day and Alice in Chains. One of my biggest influences early on was Silverchair. But as I started to play more and playing in bands, artist like Chevelle, Tool, Deftones, Korn, Stone Sour, Breaking Benjamin, and just about every Nu-Metal band in the early 2000s really got me to design my own style of sound and writing. I’m still not where I want my sound to ultimately be, but I’m working to get there so I one day will be listed in the influences for the artists after me.

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
To quit my day job (hahahaha). I would love to just travel, play music, take care of my family and not spend every minute of the day working to support everything. Music is a very hard hobby. The lucky ones are able to turn the hobby into a career. But I would love to have a good, solid career with some great songs that last longer than I will.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
Playing the House of Blues Anaheim back in April 2012. Ever since I started playing music, my goal was to play the House of Blues in Anaheim since day one. It’s my all time favorite venue. I’ve seen every day you can think of when they come through Southern California there and being able to say I played on the same stage as that and I was able to be apart of a Free Show that allowed my band to just play and not worry about ticket sales or anything, and play to packed house was amazing and one of the highlights of my life, Thank You again Gig Boss (quick plug hahaha).

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
Hahaha my past relationships hahaha…. But well on stage for me was when I broke strings, on two different guitars, while playing ‘Resting Place’. We were playing a club in LA and were three songs in and just starting the song. Just as we hit the chorus my bottom string just brakes, I try to make it through the chorus and then go a quick change during the verse to my backup. Then as we hit the break of the song, THE SAME STRING breaks on that guitar. I’m now just sweating bullets because nothing is worse than not having a guitar ready to go. So we finish the rest of the song and it just sounds like shit. I then get on the mic and ask any of the other bands out there if I can use a guitar. So one band loans me this POS and from there on out the set just goes south. Really happy we survived it but now my lesson is to ALWAYS been new strings on my guitars before any show.  

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what would it be and why?
I would say ‘Believe’ from our album “Searching” because it shows everything we do in our sound. From super heavy, to soft melodic parts, to a great break, raw breakdown to an amazing scream by Jarret. It shows off everything Haster does. 

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?
iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Spotify, Pandora, and just about every site you can think of.

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask? 
We’re a band that truly care about our fans. We LOVE interacting with everyone on Facebook, Twitter, Email, at shows, when we go to shows. Ask us anything, message us anytime you want, odds are we’ll reply in a couple of minutes or hours. We are a fan of Haster just as much as anyone of our fans and we want to share in the experience. We post all the time on Instragram @Hasterband to show you an inside look at the band. And as much as we take this seriously, we’re normal guys, trying to make it in the world and music gives us that escape from everything. We write back life, the things we go through and hopefully our fans experience the same thing we do with our music and live show.

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