
Friday, 15 February 2013

The Generals Q&A

Your name?
David Cuthbertson.

Where are you from?
Sunderland, England.

Name of band:
The Generals.

Who else is in your band?
Steven Dorward (Guitar, vocals) Dave Lowton ( Bass, vocals) Glen Tate (Drums) and I play guitar and sing main vocal.

How would you describe yourselves?
MAD!! Hahahaha.

Who are your main influences musically?
We are influenced by The Beatles, The Jam, The Who, The Kinks; Oasis are always going to be some sort of influence as they were what was happening when we were growing up.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
I think you have to be realistic. At the end of the day the music business is the hardest ever to break into and actually become really successful. Gone are the days of record company A&R men walking into a venue, listening to a band and then walking up and offering you a record deal.
It's all about the net now really. We would love our tunes to be blasting out of every stereo in the country is the true answer, but time will tell. I think if you get to a point when you can play your own music as a career and make a decent living out of it you have definitely succeeded and it's always going to beat 9 till 5!

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
I can't really pick any individual point really - to be honest it's all been a blast so far. Touring is the best part of the job just because you are in your own little world, you turn up in a van, sound check, have a pint, blow the roof off the place, then move on to the next city, what's not to love?.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Nearly having to cancel our gig playing at the 02 academy a few Christmases ago. The studio all our equipment was in at the time had a burst pipes due to the freezing weather and the place flooded. Standing in the snow an hour before you are due to sound check in a different city trying to get into the place to see if your lifetimes’ worth of equipment is totally ruined is not a good place to be. Thankfully it all worked out ok.

If you could choose just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
I really can't pick one to be honest I feel as if we are evolving all the time as we are writing constant in the studio and when we are out gigging. If we take the tune 'Shine' for instance it got us a bit of recognition in the early days locally and things started to evolve from there so that's an important part of our past but if you compare that to the last song we put out there 'Leave Your World Behind' it’s totally different. Again the new EP which is coming out is different again but still us, if that makes sense.

Where can we listen to your music?  

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask?
Not really apart from listen out for our new EP out early this year and our brand new website ( same address as above) will be up and running in the next few weeks. See you in the front row of our next gig!! Cheers X

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