
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Rebel Inc. Q&A

Your name:
Adam Armstrong (vocals).

Name of band:

Where are you from?
I'm from Detroit area Michigan, along with the guitar player, Kevin Sychta, and drummer Brian Haverlock(b-lock).  Our bass player, Keni Luck, is from Salisbury, MD.  The band now resides in Baltimore, MD.  

How would you describe yourselves?
The sound is hard rock/metal/punk/hip-hop, laced with socially and politically charged lyrics.  A raw and passionate mix that extends beyond recordings onto live stages, where the shows are a full display of energy.  We are independent, and very hard working.  We are hungry motherfuckers.

Who are your main influences musically?
Anyone who has something intelligent to say, as well as the music that will make you tap your foot, or bob your head.  Folk, reggae, punk, metal, hip-hop, and whatever else.  From Nas, Tupac, Public Enemy, and Eminem, to Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Ryan Harvey, and Neil Young, to Rage Against the Machine, Marilyn Manson, MC5, and Nine Inch Nails.  That's really just a few.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
We hope to inspire thought and action in people.  Prosperous thought and action.  Getting people to use their minds again, and think for themselves, question social, moral, and political concepts, as well have the courage to take action against what is wrong.  To stand for their freedoms, truth, and justice, and not recognize nor rely on authoritative action.  We aim to infect as many as possible with this music and message.  If we can make a living doing this, we are most fortunate, but fortune and fame have never had anything to do with this.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Man.  That is tough.  I really want to say when Jim Florentine from Vh-1 Classic's THAT METAL SHOW, named our new album "Soundtrack To The Revolution" the #1 Metal Album of 2012.  It's an honor to be recognized by someone in the industry, such as Jim, who has a passionate music background, that is not only current, but goes way back.  Thousands of people value his opinions on music and bands.  I also want to say when we played the 20th Anniversary Seattle Hempfest with over 110,000 people.  Not to mention smokin' some of the best medicine on the planet.  However, I will say the highlight of my career was when we played this little shack in tiny Moorefield, WV while on tour.  Fifty people, or so, crammed into this little place, and as soon as we hit our first chord, became wild animals for 45 minutes straight.  Screaming words, singing along, and moshing.  During breakdowns and at the end of songs, the screaming was so powerful, you could feel it's wind.  Brought a woman, who lost her husband in the military, to tears right in front of us.  It was affirmation that this band has a positive destiny ahead of it.  That we have something REAL to give, and share with our brothers and sisters everywhere.  

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
None.  I'm thankful for even our worst times, for those are what have made this band what it is today.  Never forget.

If you could choose just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
I would pick "909 Revolution."  It tells the tale of that which has already happened and will happen again.  Those who are oppressed will eventually rise and revolt against the tyrants that rule them, and no matter the outcome, the cycle will repeat itself.  The cycle can only stop if the oppressed free themselves, and not one generation ever return to slavery of any kind.  Live as free people, and teach each generation to do the same.

Where can we listen to it?
Both albums FREE: (no downloads here, only listening).

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask?
For those who want to support us, you can do so by purchasing music and merch from us in any form.  You can also FREQUENTLY call or email your local radio stations, and Sirius/XM, to let them know that you would like to hear them play REBEL INC. music.  You can also just share our Facebook and/or Twitter pages, or tell other people about us, including local venues you'd like to see us play.  Every little thing counts.  Much love and thanks for your time and support.

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