
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Aylin Eser Q&A

Your name:
Aylin Eser.

Where are you from?
Melbourne, Australia.

Name of band:
Aylin Eser is also the name of our band.

Who else is in your band?
Will Larsen is the other half of the band. He writes the music and plays the instruments on the tracks. I write the lyrics and then sing them.

How would you describe yourselves?
I would describe us as being charismatic, funny, good-looking… Ohhh you meant the music.. Whoops! :) I would describe our band as being a bit like Sara Bareilles and Rumer and yet very very different. We have a retro influence in our songs also.

Who are your main influences musically?
There are many musicians who have influenced our music. These artists include Nina Simone, John Lennon, Burt Bacharach and Jeff Lynne, just to name a few.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
We want to connect with people all over the world and give them something new and different to listen to. If we are able to spread positive energy and love in the process, that's all the better!! Making and performing music is our passion and we want to share that with people all over.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Recording our first EP has to be up there. Part of it was recorded in Australia and we finished it off in New York. And then it was such a good feeling to finally release it and have radio playing it.

And whatʼs the moment you want to forget?
Hmmmmm… I really don't think there's been any regrets so far. Music is all either of us wants to do - singing and performing songs we've written. Most people donʼt like their job. Most people hate the thought of having to get up in the morning to go to work. Then they canʼt wait until 5pm everyday (or whenever it is they finish), just so they can go home. Then through every single working week of every single year for their whole working life, most people canʼt wait for the weekend. So thereʼs a lot of people in the world who spend their whole lives being miserable, either dreading going to work or waiting to go home from work. We get to travel and play music for a living. Itʼd be a bit rich if I ever start to complain there are too many green M&Mʼs in my dressing room!! :)

If you could choose just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Arrows of Desire (the title track from the EP) has so many influences in there. Will's classical training comes through (he's played for the New York Ballet among others) because he's using a chord progression very like Beethoven. But then he has these guitar and harpsichord parts in there that are very like The Beatles' "Because" and "I Want You" from "Abbey Road." If you listen carefully, you can probably also pick out some Harry Nilsson and Jeff Lynne influences in there to. We've even had one very prominent music exec say he thought it sounded like Radiohead - which is fine with us!! :)

Where can we listen to it?
You can listen to our EP and watch videos of the tracks on our website at:

Where can we find out more about your music?
You can find us at all of these links:

Anything else youʼd like to say about your band that I forgot to ask?
What's next for Aylin Eser? Will and I are currently writing for our next EP, but at the rate we're going, we have already written enough songs for an album!! It's creating a bit of a problem in how do we decide which songs to record, but I guess it's a good dilemma to have!! :)

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