Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Hounds Before Lions Q&A

Your name:
Sam Clark.

Where are you from?
Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Name of band:
Hounds Before Lions.

Who else is in your band?
Andrew Bocher plays keyboards and sings harmonies, Rick Haneman plays drums, and I sing lead vocals and play guitar.

How would you describe yourselves?
Hounds Before Lions plays bedroom music in a basement setting. Basically, all of our songs start as acoustic skeletons that I write in my bedroom. Then I take it downstairs and show it to Rick and Andrew, who add their own twist to the song. The end result varies; sometimes it's pretty straight-ahead indie rock, and other times it's more atmospheric and ambient. 

Who are your main influences musically?
That's a tough question, since all of us come from different backgrounds. Rick plays a lot of jazz and world percussion, so his drumming is definitely influenced by polymeters and intense amounts of subdivision. Andrew is a classically trained pianist and knows a lot about music theory; much of the lead melody work in our songs comes from him, and he infuses his classical sensibility with his growing knowledge of all of the sonic capabilities his keyboard has. I'm coming from somewhere in the middle, with most of my influences coming from alternative rock bands, and even some R&B. Collectively, we all dig on stuff like Dirty Projectors, How To Dress Well, Radiohead, and Grizzly Bear, but other stuff definitely sneaks in.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
That's a good question. Andrew and I started Hounds Before Lions basically as a way to get to know each other better; we were about to start renting a house together, along with Rick, and knew we had similar musical interests that we wanted to explore. First and foremost, we play music for our own personal enjoyment. We hope that other people like the end product that we come up with, and that they'll want to check out our EP and come to a show or three. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Our career has been pretty short so far, but my personal highlight was playing a show back in February at the campus music venue here in Eau Claire. We had a really fun opening act that brought a lot of people in, and most of them stuck around to hear us play. Plus, it was our first paying gig, and it wound up footing part of our recording bill for our EP.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
We have this knack of getting tapped to play fundraisers, which is something we're trying to get away from. We played one back in April that was for some run sponsored by campus radio, but we never got the memo that we were essentially supposed to be background music for a bunch of twelve year-old kids while they chowed down on some pizza. We all liked the venue (which was not really associated with the event), but the experience was one I'd like to put behind me.

If you had to choose just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Of the three songs we've recorded so far, I think Half Moon Lake best represents our musical goals. It's laid back and heavy on the reverb, the lyrics are pretty morose, and there's a lot of good keyboard work going on throughout the song. Plus, the bridge section that Andrew wrote flexes that theory muscle and shows that we can occasionally put some brawn behind our sound as well.

Where can we listen to it?
You can listen to Half Moon Lake, along with the rest of our Hudson Street EP, at our Bandcamp page here: http://houndsbeforelions.bandcamp.com/  It's a free download, so you can't really lose in this situation.

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask?
We'd like for more people to know about us, so if you like what you hear, share our music with your like-minded friends. Thanks for having us on!

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