
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Scott Anthony Andrews Q&A

Your name:
Scott Anthony Andrews.

Where are you from?
Saskatchewan, Canada. Home of the Saskatchewan Roughriders 2013 Grey Cup Champs! Life is not so much cold on the Canadian Prairies as it is flat…but hopefully our music is not ;)

Name of band:
I am a solo singer-songwriter.

Who else is in your band?
Ross Nykiforuk produced my 2013 CD Faith is a Bicycle. He also played keyboards, organ and saxophone. Glenn Ens, his business partner, played drums and percussion. I recorded at their studio in Saskatchewan. Awesome, awesome studio. Gent Laird played bass; Rich McFarlane; lead, rhythm and acoustic guitars. I was on piano and lead voice…and that’s me doing the vocal back-ups.

How would you describe yourself?
Music that is relaxing through to the soul. I strive for smooth melodies with slightly unpredictable chord changes. Because I prefer an intimate sound, I use a healthy balance of acoustics instruments. I guess in a few words, I would describe my music as folk, pop, spiritual.
Like “trail mix with chocolate chips,” it’s good for the spirit and tastes great too!

Who are your main influences musically?
Musically, Elton John and George Michael have been great inspirations. What can one say about them that is not cliché; they are consummate. Elton John seems unable to tire of making great music. The Diving Board is a remarkable CD, and Oscar Wilde Gets Out is my favorite track. I also enjoy Chris Isaak and Morrissey. From Canada, I listen to Jann Arden and Jeffery Straker. I love Jann’s sense of humor, and Jeffery’s innate story-telling abilities.
I really work hard on lyrics, though am often at a loss with them, and not nearly as successful as I would like to be. To me, lyric writing is the most over-looked - and perhaps least appreciated - part of songwriting. I am in stark awe of the masters like Cohen and Taupin.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Though I am not sure what exactly the phrase “spiritual but not religious” means, my aim is to write within that crevasse. I want to be the kind of writer that is unafraid of exploring meanings drawn from different sacred traditions and experiences…or no tradition. I have a goal to record three CDs: one is completed…..I am writing now for the second.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Being in the studio was completely overwhelming, and in the best way possible. My CD and title song Faith is a Bicycle is based upon a true story. In the cool of a prairie November bits of snow were already stockpiled in street corners. However, the roads were clear so I decided to ride my bike. The journey was hushed and contemplative in the way that a Sunday morning drive should be. I parked and noticed a coaster bicycle in cheerful green with a cane strapped onto its back pannier. As I later emerged, I noticed a friend, Diether, slowly ambling out, and rather unceremoniously, affix a second cane to the green bike. I was slightly bewildered. Diether explained that at 80, walking was quite difficult. In fact, he required a knee replacement and back operation. Cycling was (comparatively) easy. The canes were insurance in case of a flat tire or other unforeseen fix. This simple act struck me so: Diether was not asking for the abilities of a 20 year-old, nor was he willing to hibernate or isolate. Sometimes, Faith really is as simple as a Bicycle. This song and this recording experience are definitely my highlight, so far.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
A few musical interactions that I have had that directly relate to the use of technology come to mind. Like really come to mind…so I guess I have not forgotten them, though I do try.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Seven Times My Soul is a smooth, relaxing song, plenty of acoustic guitar. It has to do with the healing properties of water.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?
CBC Online Radio enter “Scott Anthony Andrews”

Anything else you’d like to say about your band/music that I forgot to ask?
To write and perform music of own’s one is a privilege and a delight. Thanks for listening. Here’s to each of us getting an opportunity that is privilege and delight…whatever yours may be.

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