
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Maxime Solemn Q&A

Your name:  
Maxime Solemn.

Where are you from? 

How would you describe yourself? 
I'm a solo artist focusing on metalcore. I play the guitar, piano, bass, violin and I do the screams/vocals as well. When it comes to visual appearance, I'm mostly inspired by the Japanese rock scene (visual kei and such). 

Who are your main influences musically?
I've got lots of different influences for every instrument I play or write lines for. When it comes to vocals, I've always admired Tim Lambesis' work (that's a pretty controversial topic right now though). As for the guitar, I'm a huge Galneryus/Syu fan. I also love Hans Zimmer's compositions and that kind of writing will be prominent in my next releases.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
I've got both individualistic goals, as well as goals towards others. Hearing from someone that my music inspires them or helps them, literally makes my day. But of course, I have some personal goals as well... I'd love to tour Japan one day! 

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
There were two things that really touched me. The first being the fact that I became "Band of the Week" on CrescendoTV. That felt amazing. The second one was getting fan art... It's not really a highlight when it comes to success or anything, but to me, getting a gift from someone because they like your work is the best feeling in the world.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
There's no moment I want to forget. Every moment of my musical career defines me as an artist and as a human being. Bad moments make you stronger and wiser, whereas good moments are extremely motivational.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
That's a really tough one! I've got new songs in the works that represent me much better, haha! If I can use unreleased songs; Scorched Wings. If I can only use what I have released so far; Take The Hits

Where can we listen to it?
I uploaded every song of mine to my YouTube channel. They're available on Spotify, iTunes and Amazon as well. 

Where can we find out more about your music? 
Official Site: 

Anything else you’d like to say about your music that I forgot to ask?
Look out for my future releases! I can promise right here, right now, that it's going to be amazing. I'll be focusing way more on the melodic aspect and the choruses will be filled with huge touching violin melodies!

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