
Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Como Brothers Q&A

Your name: 
Matt Como.

Where are you from?
Long Island, New York.

Name of band: 
The Como Brothers Band.

Who is in your band? 
Matt Como - 24 years old. Bass and vocals.
Andrew Como - 22 years old. Guitar and vocals. 

How would you describe yourselves?
Our music is pop music seen through the eyes of two singer/songwriters. Andrew and I are influenced by blues as well and our music naturally shows that sensibility. There's a mix of pop and blues.

Who are your main influences musically?
From the beginning the Beatles inspired us to pickup guitars and become songwriters. Since we are two songwriters the whole Lennon/McCartney partnership made us want to have a similar dynamic and that is what we have today. As I said earlier we love the blues and all the blues legends influence us including Stevie Ray Vaughan, BB King, Clapton, Hendrix, Buddy Guy and more. We love John Mayer and also learn a lot of things from others like Maroon 5, Amy Whinehouse, Bruno Mars, Jack Johnson.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Although everyone has influences and we definitely have ours as we talked about in the last question--one of the main things we always hope to achieve in writing a song is sounding like ourselves and not like anyone else. We have developed our own style and want to run with it and especially with new songs we are writing now we feel we have gotten a much better grasp on who we are and who we want to be. We want to achieve commercial success with our music. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Finishing our first full length album Baby Steps was the highlight of our career so far because it's the thing we always dreamed of doing. I felt like I had accomplished life goal number one. Create a full length album with songs we've written, professionally recorded. We did it and it helped us to develop rapidly and understand who we are and the direction we want our music to move in as we go forward. 

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
One time we opened for the Wallflowers and I puked before going onstage. I had a massive headache - sometimes I get migraines. The Wallflowers thought I was hungover or on drugs but I wasn't. Just a bad headache.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
I would say Straight Face and Gotta Be True, both Andrew's songs. Right now I think they best represent the direction we are heading in the future.  It's not an exact representation of our future music but a general thing.

Where can we listen to it? 
Well our full length album Baby Steps is on iTunes so please go get it if you haven't already! Our music video for Straight Face and Late Nights is currently on YouTube so search it! 

Where can we find out more about your music?
Follow us on instagram and Twitter @comobrosband

Anything else you’d like to say about your band/music that I forgot to ask?
Just a note to your readers - we would love to see you at a show! We will never quit so please join us on this journey and keep on touch with us. Thanks for taking the time to interview me. 

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