
Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The BeauBowBelles Q&A

Your name: 
Bertie Anderson.

Where are you from? 
We all live in London but we are originally from Norfolk, Leicestershire, Dorset and Kent.

Name of band: 
The BeauBowBelles.

Who else is in your band?
Ros Wilks, Emma Price and Marcus Daborn.

How would you describe yourselves? 
Swing folk.
"The BeauBowBelles are a four-piece band of foot stomping, harmony singing swing folkers. They dragged themselves from their classical roots through the earth of folk, the dusts of country and the fires of gypsy swing- gathering them all to their breasts before entwining and weaving them into a new blaze of sound."

Who are your main influences musically? 
Yizers, this is always a hard question! As four individuals we have a hugely eclectic record collection and so our influences are wide and varied from Dolly Parton to Fleetwood Mac to Rachmaninov! Contemporary bands we have been compared to are Kaztenjammer, Molotov Jukebox and The Staves. 
Maybe due to our classical background and immersion at a young age into many styles of music we try not to pigeonhole our song writing and allow ourselves to be inspired by everything. This does mean that we touch on many different genres within our songs.

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
To keep writing and performing and pushing ourselves creatively. We have just started work on our album and we are very excited about this as we are bring in some of our hugely talented friends to play on it so the album is gonna be even bigger and even more dramatic than our first EP. 
The three of us girls make a living as freelance musicians but unfortunately to be able to make a living from playing your own music is a whole other thing. Money isn't everything and it is definitely not why we are in a band, but we also have to pay the rent so we work doubly hard to make sure our music is as good as it can be- we are all extremely dedicated in this band!

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
Being in the studio last year and recording our EP "To The Moon" and more recently starting work on our album. 

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
If there have been bad times then we have forgotten them! It's always good in the world of The BeauBowBelles! 

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why? 
Our first single 'These Days' is a proper folk romp which definitely represents our upbeat stomp vibe but the song that gets most attention at gigs is 'Alien Tango'.

Where can we listen to it?
Soundcloud- These Days & a clip of Alien Tango-
music video for These Days- 
live film of Alien Tango-

Anything else you’d like to say about your band/music that I forgot to ask?
We are playing at various festivals and venues over the coming months (all info on our website) including: Alderney Festival, Southwell Folk Festival, London Folk Festival, Glastonbury (Sensation Seekers stage & Bread & Roses stage).

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