
Monday, 8 September 2014

EllisRed Q&A

Your name:
Chris Morley.

Where are you from?:

Tiptree/Colchester, Essex.

Name of band:

Who else is in your band?

Gary Stone (Guitars & Vox), Nick Barnard (Bass & Vox) and Dave Carter (Drums).

How would you describe yourselves?

Musically relaxed, focussed fun lovin’ dickheads. We like to try and create stuff that people will enjoy as much as we do with just enough self indulgence to keep us engaged but not so much that we bore the shit out of people. We’ve all been pre-ocupied by the wrong things in previous bands and lost focus on the fun of music in various ways. This band is about re-connecting with the enjoyment of creating and playing music.

Who are your main influences musically?

Wow, here’s a cliche for you but there genuinely is too many to list. Our collective taste pretty much covers anything with a guitar from the 50s onwards. Personally, my roots sit with metal legends like Metallica, Maiden blah blah blah but I’ve weaved my way through 70s rock, pop punk, pop, dance, dub step, rock… So far so that I don’t really have a favourite. Foo Fighters, Queen and a couple of others will always unite the four of us without argument. When writing, I personally tend to take influence from newer bands. Its not a conscious decision it’s a bi-product of being a great believer in respecting and enjoying the past but moving with the times. We’d never create a mark for our own musical generation otherwise.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Nothing? Everything? SOMETHING! Ok, bullshit aside, I don’t think there’s a creative musician alive who wouldn’t say they’d love to make a living out of it. However, if it stops being fun it’s pointless so I hope that I can enjoy writing and playing music for the rest of my life. The rest is a bonus.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
In previous lives, we’ve all played together in different bands. Those bands have shared some amazing times but I think we’d all agree there’s nothing better than playing a gig and seeing people you’ve never met before singing your lyrics or holding up a banner with your name on. It’s a completely and utterly awesome sensation.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
I don’t like forgetting anything (especially when Jack Daniels has given me no choice) but if I could avoid waking up in a leaking, freezing cold LDV Convoy van in a motorway service station at 7am with a hangover and Dave’s morning glory staring me in the face, I would.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Tricky. Probably Bones and Beauty. For me it’s got most of the things that we love about music in it - passion, beauty, structure and hooks (well, in our opinion of course).

Where can we listen to it? (free download as well if you’re feeling strapped for cash. Just “BUY NOW” and enter “£0” as the price you want to pay!)

Where can we find out more about your music?
@ellisredband (twitter)

Anything else you’d like to say that I forgot to ask?
Loads, but nothing that wouldn’t bore you into an early grave. Come and talk to us on twitter or Facebook instead.

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