
Thursday, 2 October 2014

Bowie Musicomio Q&A

Your name:
Bowie Musicomio.

Where are you from?
Valencia, Spain.

Name of band:

Who else is in your band?
For the moment, just me. But with expectation of making a band with guitar, bass and drums.

How would you describe yourself?
A guy with a musical interests, friend of friends. A simple person.

Who are your main influences musically?
Par excellence David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses (old formation), Slash, Loquillo, Heroes del Silencio, Elefantes ufffff I would be hours. I don't know if there's something of this people in my music, but it's what I listen to.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Actually that someone who likes it. No more. I think it's a sufficiently important achievement, without any pretension beyond.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
I haven't done any concert yet, I upload my songs on the web with free download. Perhaps, arrive to 17,000 plays in two years it's so important to me.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
I haven't got chance of spend bad moments, but it woud be good have them.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
The theme MAR it's so rock, and is what I'm triying to do. This is also composed for my daughters Maria and Marta, on the contrary what can may seem.

Where can we listen to it? 

Where can we find out more about your music? 

Anything else you’d like to say that I forgot to ask?
Well first of all thank you for this space and say that it does not take a professional to feel and express music, just like doing. THANKS!!!!!!!!

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