
Friday 31 October 2014

Dave Cormier Q&A

Your name:
Dave Cormier.

Where are you from?

Victoria, BC, Canada.

Who else is in your band?
My former guitarist Will Peters, Christian Stevenson bass, Darcy Phillips keyboards and Taylor Allum drums.

How would you describe yourselves and your music?
Straight up blues rock/rock band with a modern day sound.

Who are your main influences musically?
Just a mishmash of styles from Johnny Lee Hooker to The Faces, the Stones, the Clash, the Black Keys.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
I want to build a career of good quality listenable music. I'm more about the music less about the money or fame.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Being played on FM Radio stations across Canada. Never really thought that would happen.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
All the naysayers who said it would and could never happen! Took the fun out of it for a while.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
What's My Name is the song being played on the radio here right now. Songs are stories of the things I've seen and heard. Sometimes good things sometimes bad I have no real attachment to any song except for the moment in time they capture.

Songs come to me in dreams sometimes in the middle of the night or while daydreaming. They come fast and surprisingly complete. It's like a never ending radio always playing in my head.

Where can we listen to it?
My website is  where you can listen to sample tracks. The full tracks can be heard through my music page on Facebook at Go to the music store at the top of the page and click on Artist playlist.

Where can we find out more about your music?

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