
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

McHoodoo Q&A

Your name:
Jay T. McCaughtry aka. The Hoodoo Man.

Where are you from?
I am from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. I live in Marion, Indiana, now and my band is based in Marion as well.

Name of band:

Who else is in your band? 
Justin Sollars on rhythm guitar & backing vocals
Greg Marsh aka. Strange Childe, on bass & backing vocals
Mike Berry on drums & backing vocals
I play lead guitar & sing lead vocals.

How would you describe yourselves? 
We are a modern rock band. We play a wide spectrum or rock genres.

Who are your main influences musically?
As a group it is widely varied. We all have different influences.
Personally, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), Stevie Ray Vaughan, Randy Rhodes (Ozzy), Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motley Crüe, Lynard Skynard, Buddy Guy, BB King. I have a lot of different influences.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Our goals are pretty high. We would like to achieve success in it's highest forms, creating good music with some depth to the lyrics, that people can enjoy and identity with. We strive to put on a show that people will remember, as well as make memorable songs.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
I would have to say that our performance at Raw Fest in Pittsburgh this summer was pretty awesome! I received my endorsement deal with Raw Guitars there (I have subsequently became an endorser for Jet City Amplification as well), put on a guitar clinic, and the band really lit the place up with our performance. A great memory!

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Honestly, none. The tough times make us stronger individually and as a group. Remembering what you didn't do well, or what went wrong in a situation helps to make the next show, recording, ect. better!

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Master of Illusion, the first track from our upcoming CD, Bad Influence. Tentative release date in November 28th of this year.
Why? Because I feel it demonstrates what we are all about. There is theater in our music, power, passion, conviction! I feel this song demonstrates this and gives the listener some expectation of what they will see live.
I am releasing it for streaming right now on Reverb Nation, just to have it as part of this interview! Hope everyone enjoys it!

Where can we listen to it? 

Where can we find out more about your music?
Twitter: @McHoodoo for the band. @MrMcHoodoo for me.
Official Site:
Instagram: for the band for me.
Google+ account

Anything else you’d like to say that I forgot to ask?
I would just like to say thank you for the interview, and I have a little message for the readers as well: If you have something that you desire to do in this world, don't let anyone stop you, believe in yourself. You will have to overcome a lot to achieve your goals but you can do it! 

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