
Monday 25 May 2015

David Dewhirst Q&A

Your name:
David Dewhirst.

Where are you from? 
Currently, Chattanooga, Tennessee... but grew up in Detroit and have lived in Germany, Upstate New York, and Florida.

How would you describe yourself and your music? 
My tastes are eclectic and so is the music I write. I'm a throwback hippie and so that informs my music, but it's certainly not the entirely of what I do. I'm also very lyric-focused, and most of my songs play with language and words and meaning. I've formally studied writing and poetry and am a published poet from my college years, so those things are important to me.

Who are your main influences musically? 
The Beatles, Dylan, Tom Petty, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, The Grateful Dead, Phish. I think if you listen to my catalog on SoundCloud or with those things in mind you'll hear each of them, to some degree... but I'm also certainly putting my own spin on it all, and people keep telling me other artists I put them in mind of. Most recently it was Springsteen and Mellencamp.

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
I want to get my songs out in front of people, and I want people to enjoy them. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
I have played in / fronted bands and done solo shows off and on for many years. I would be active and then take lots of time away from the scene. But this most recent round is different - I'm writing better than I ever have, and I feel like these songs need to come out. That in itself is a highlight :)

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Hmmm. I've never been booed off, so nothing like that. Maybe the time I was playing a party at a frat house and one of the (very chemically altered) frat brothers managed to trip over the cables for both my mic and my soundhole pickup, in the process ripping the cable clean out of the pickup. Yikes, was I ever annoyed...

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
That's a toughie - like I say, I'm fairly eclectic and hard to fit into one well-defined genre. But maybe right now I would say Savannah Dreams of Bones; it's a pretty sophisticated extended metaphor lyrically, and musically it has kind of a semi-trippy groove thing going but with some decidedly modern elements as well. It's a little less rock than some others, but that's okay -- it still represents.

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your music that I forgot to ask?
First, thank you so much, Greg! Secondly, my Facebook page especially is sad in terms of Likes and lagging far behind Twitter, so if everyone could click on the page and give me a quick Like it might not be so sad ;) 

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