
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The Von Q&A

Band name:
The Von.

Where are you from?
We live in South Florida, USA, but we are from different countries. Luis is from Venezuela, Marek from Czech Republic and Elisa from USA.

Who else is in your band?
Luis (vocals/bass), Marek(guitar/synths) & Elisa(Drums)

How would you describe yourselves and your music?
We are a power dynamo of indie/electro/rock synergy. We are vegans/vegetarians, we believe in world peace and compassion, we believe that combining love, perseverance and a plan can give anyone everything they desire in this world.

Who are your main influences musically?
We have no specific bands really that come to mind as foundations for what we do. What influence us is more music styles and in The Von it goes from jazz to EDM to death metal to flamenco, meditation music, etc. When music is good, is good no matter the genre and we are always very open minded. But out of this melting pot of crazy styles each of us enjoys listening to own our own we always keep it rock n roll for our songs. It would be really interesting to hear what people say who we sound like to them.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
We want to reach into people’s hearts and bring them something to enjoy, to connect with.  We work hard to become of the top premier rock acts in history and  ultimately leave a legacy. A legacy that anyone can listen to years later and still sound good and relevant. We know that achieving this  goals will give us  a sustainable musical career and ultimately have the thing we love them most provide for us till the end of our lives.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
It may sounds relatively simple, but the major highlights of our career have been so far events where we had contributed something to the public. Another thing is the whole work behind the new album which will be released this month which we are very proud of.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Even the worse moments define you as an individual and as a band, they are essential  for growth, they become you in  lessons and experiences learned, so forgetting a bad moment is forgetting wisdom gained.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
The one song that has not been conceived yet. We look to always keep being creative and proud of what we can achieve. Perhaps once we have conquered the world and put out a good six albums we can come back and give this question another shot.

Where can we listen to your music? 

Where can we find out more about your music? 

Anything else you’d like to say about your music that I forgot to ask?
All we have to say is just listen to our latest single “Cry Of War” is out and be on the lookout for our upcoming debut  album on November 13. We will take to into a new journey.

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