
Monday 28 January 2013

Maya Wolff Q&A

Your name:
Maya Wolff.

Where are you from?
Originally from the south of Germany from the tiny town of Marhoerdt (45min from Stuttgart). Our house has the number 13 but there are no 13 houses, I think that's a big reason why I wanted to move at the young age of 19 straight after school and moved to England.  I've been living in Canterbury for more than eight years now after coming over to join a band as a singer and dancer 2004-2006 and decided to stay there for now. I am getting itchy feet though and doubt I'll settle down for quite a while.

Who else is in your band?
Solo artist but working with different producers.

Who are your main influences musically?
My big love is bass and electro music. My earliest memory that diverted me away from pop music was discovering Pendulum and being out dancing to Nicky Blackmarket and lots of local talent at d&b nights. For the last few years I was a dancer at d&b nights through my company 'Eximo', dancing alongside big names such El Hornet, Stay+,sharing a stage with Nektsy and many others. My passion to dance in this scene inspired me to solely focus on producing and singing to bass and electronic music and left my early career as a pop singer behind. One of my favourite producers are Scream and Benga and I can't forget to mention Katie B - great to have such a natural female talent doing so well- that's definitely an inspiration to me!

What do you hope to achieve in music?
I always want to inspire people through my song writing and make them happy. Music is a great way to share stories, life experiences and connect with people you've never even met. My hope is that my music will be  a positive influence in a persons life!

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Right now I'm literally buzzing of excitement as I'm waiting for a song to be released that I worked on with a very talented producer in New Zealand called Lumpsum. The song is called "Trusting you" and I'm sure it's going to do well. I also can't wait to film the video for it as dancing is a massive part of my career and I'll get to work with some great girl dancers!

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
That would be most days of my first couple of years of living in England working in a cheesy pop band. Through it we did some great work especially for young people, however, it was cringingly cheesy and especially the boy rappers in the band were embarrassingly bad. Looking back on it, I would never work with people like that ever again.

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what
would it be and why?
Definitely the one I'm waiting for the release for, that's the direction I've taken now. But otherwise I'd say "Hold On" as my heart and soul is in that song, the lyrics are a mix of German and English (the only German song I'd ever written) and still has a touch of the 'pop-me' but progressing to the way I'm heading now.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?

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