
Friday 25 January 2013

Woodman Stone Q&A

Your name:
Woodman Stone!  The name came to me in a dream about 10 years ago. The world was at war and I was a freedom fighter in the English countryside seeking to overthrow an occupying army. I lived in the woods and I was famous throughout the land. It was a particularly vivid dream I have to say.

Where are you from?
Originally from Sussex, where I did live in a wood! Since then, London, Birkenhead and now Leicester.

Name of band
Woodman Stone, like me!

Who else is in your band?
Well, it’s whoever I need. For recording the album James Buckley from One Cure For Man is on drums, with a great bass player and guitarist, Doug Burgess. Tony Robinson of the Beautiful South plays all the brass and keyboards. Live it’s a different set up but just as good.

How would you describe yourself?
Perfect pop songs. Someone described me as ‘like The Beatles meet the Smiths’. We’re upbeat, catchy and eclectic – acoustic guitars, brass and harmonies. The sound of a summer you’ll never forget!

Who are your main influences musically?
It all started with three records. Return to Sender by Elvis, The Beatles first album, Please Please Me, and Mad Dogs and Englishman by Noel Coward. Those three records made me love music as a child.  After that it’s just a great big mish-mash of every great song and artist bouncing round inside my head!

What do you hope to achieve in music?
All I’d like is to be able to make my living doing what I love more than anything else. Anything after that is almost irrelevant...

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Anytime you’re played on the radio is always good and there’s been a few of those but John Peel leaving a message on my answer phone a good few years ago still feels special. 

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
I’m sure something terrible may yet happen but as of yet I’m happy to remember everything! 

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what would it be and why?
It’s got to be Does Madonna Dream? Catchy, upbeat and fun but might make you think a little bit too – the question is this: if ‘ordinary people’ dream about the famous do famous people dream about us.  This also came to me in a dream!
Where can we listen to it?
The whole album is still on stream on Soundcloud.


Where can we find out more about your music? gives the background to some of the songs, lyrics and other bits and bobs
@woodmanstone on twitter is where I spend a lot of time and you can always reach the absurdist me there. I’ll apologise in advance!! is there for the odd picture or two, dates for gigs and stuff.

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask?
The more people that hear what I do and tell me how much they like the songs the more I realise I’m a right lucky so and so. And since we’re coming up to the Chinese Year of the International Rock God, I’m set fair for a great year I hope!
The album ‘Someone Else’s Dreams Will Fill Our Home…’ will be released to the world on March 25th.

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