Saturday, 10 May 2014

Renssy Rios Q&A

Your name:
Renssy Rios.

Where are you from?
I am from Venezuela.

Who else is in your band?
On my first CD I invited drummer Miguel Pisana to record with me. Currently I am working with my son Ramses Rios, 14 years old drummer and a great musician.

How would you describe yourselves?
Creative, a sound seeker, a perfectionist in every song I write, and in love with music. My songs come from tough personal experiences; that’s why you can hear a mellow sound to them.

Who are your main influences musically?
Jimi Hendrix, Michael Manring and Victor Wooten.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
I want to show what can be achieved by making music with just a five-string bass and drums. The bass is usually seen as a boring instrument having very little to offer it’s just there to keep the band together. The possibilities of making music in this format are limitless creating an interesting atmosphere for the listener.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
The fact of being known for my work as a solo bassist in important communication media in my country (Venezuela), and also getting air played in Scotland and The United States through online radio stations. Not many people knew about my work before but thanks to these interviews and reviews in online magazines, radio programs and newspapers people have shown interest in my project.

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Really none, I haven’t had a negative experience with my project. I believe that there are lessons to be learned in good and bad times. These experiences help you grow as a human being and also as an artist.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
That song would be “Suenos de Cristal”, mainly because it’s a combination of beauty and technique and people just can’t believe these sounds come from a bass.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music? 

Anything else you’d like to say about your band/music that I forgot to ask?
Music is a spiritual journey where we constantly grow and learn every day as musicians. Like I said before, I’m a sound seeker and as a sound seeker I tune my five-string bass in E A D G C to achieve all those sounds you hear on my first CD EUFONIA.


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