
Sunday 29 June 2014

Katy Lied Q&A

Your name: 
Jasmin Homer & Julian Hutson-Saxby.

Where are you from? 
Bristol, UK.

Name of band: 
Katy Lied.

Who is in your band? 
Jasmin Homer- vocals and songwriter.
Julian Huston-Saxby- guitarist/producer/songwriter.  
Pete Lendvai- Bassist
Ben Ede- Drummer
We are currently looking for a keyboardist, cellist, and backing singers, male and female!

How would you describe yourselves? 
We would describe ourselves as an original pop/rock band with subtle Celtic and tribal influences in our music. Our songs are very hook and rhythm driven.
We have been writing for the past year and a half, and feel our music as a personal and raw emotive quality because the songs we have written are all based on personal experience, causes and topics we strongly believe in or feel people can relate to. Well we hope so anyway!!

Who are your main influences musically? 
Wow! We have so many ranging from 70s to what’s in the charts now! Currently we are really into London Grammar and Colour the Atlas but some of our biggest influences would have to be the greats such as Aretha Franklin, Joe Satriani etc... We could go on forever!!

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
I think for us our main goal is to be able to keep creating music that people can enjoy and relate to that has real instruments in it and has strong musicality. We want to bring back music that budding singers and guitarists, young musicians of any kind, can look up to and feel inspired by.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
We only formed in summer 2013 so we have not been on the scene long, but our highlight so far has been told that in the next two weeks our first original live acoustic song ‘Black’ we will be featured on BBC 6 Introducing Mixtape with Tom Robinson… we are very excited about that.
It’s always such a lovely feeling to know that people are enjoying the music we are creating!!

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
Oh, there’s many embarrassing moments we would like to forget, but one moment that really stands out was about six months ago. We were recording in the studio and thought it would be nice to take a break and go for a walk to get some fresh air. Jas was insistent about walking in the countryside in her onesie and wellies that were about four sizes to big!
To cut to the chase, Jas ended up stuck in a bog in a swede field and started sinking, and as she tried to move she kept falling into the muddy puddles that were ice cold!! When Julian was trying to help her out she nearly pulled him over as well!
It took ages to get back to the studio, and by that point we were all soaked through and Jas’s onesie was ringing wet and covered in mud, her wellies full to the top with icy water!
As she was so dirty we got the hose pipe and sprayed her down until all the mud came off!!! We couldn’t have had her walking into the studio like that!!
For Jas I think that would be a memory she would happily forget, although we all found it a great laugh!!  

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why? 
As we are a new band, we have only released one live acoustic track and a few demo snippets of our music. I do think however our live track ‘Black does represent us very well as it is a personal song that means a lot to us and we feel that many people may be able to relate to.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music? 

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