Sunday, 20 January 2013

Depth Charge Ethel Q&A

Your name:
Jeremy Carter.

Where are you from?
London originally, but moved to Whitby nine years ago.

Name of band:
Depth Charge Ethel.

Who is in your band?
Mat Taylor (lead vocals, guitar, bass), Jeremy Carter (vocals, bass, guitar), Chris Johnson (drums), Matthew Broderick (lead guitar).

How would you describe yourselves?
We are a fine blend of indie rock and social commentary.

Who are your main influences musically?
Radiohead, Chilli Peppers, QOTSA, Arctic Monkeys,

What do you hope to achieve in music?
We just get off on creating and playing our own music. Ideally we would like to be successful but we are content with just rocking out at some rough arse venue, as long as we can keep writing good tunes that people enjoy listening to we'll be happy

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
Hearing ourselves on BBC radio, playing Fibbers in York,

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
A midweek gig in Stockton where we couldn't hear ourselves at all on stage, so we came off early rather disgruntled only for the promoter to say our name wrong to the crowd

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what would it be? 
Writers’ Block.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?

Anything else you’d like to say about your band that I forgot to ask? 
Just that we are hard working, believe in creating new music and developing as musicians.  We write songs about love lost, drunken adolescence, bank jobs gone wrong, vampire love, prison breaks, addiction, police corruption, being on the run, roller coasters flying into people, tales of biblical woe, and the loss felt only by that of the young orphaned super hero. Just songs based on our own experiences really.

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