Saturday 12 January 2013

The Fair and the Foul Q&A

Your name:
Jacqui Haggerty.

Where are you from?
I am from New Jersey, but the band is based out of Greensboro, North Carolina.

Name of band:
The Fair and the Foul.

Who else is in your band?
Joseph Dickey, Chris Gelb and Edd Kerr.

How would you describe yourselves?
We are often described as folk/rock, but we also have some distinct jazz influences. The music on our new album has some common themes of patient beginnings building into tension, finally resolving into a heartfelt release. This tenderness is carefully used in all of our music, and it is personally my favorite aspect of our sound.

Who are your main influences musically?
Vocally, I study technique from artists like Sarah Vaughn, Blossom Dearie, Billie Holiday, etc. As a band, we are constantly listening to new things and we all have different inspirations. To name a few of our favorites, we love Wye Oak, Kings of Convenience, and Andrew Bird. All of us have musical backgrounds that have included concentrated teachings in both classical and jazz curriculum, and that is a big part of our approach towards musicianship and practice.

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Our greatest goal is to constantly reach a larger audience with our music, and to grow in our experiences with each other and the people we meet through the process of performing.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
The highlight of our career so far is getting to meet people first-hand, and hearing their honest reflections of our art. We have met so many amazing people, some who have become personally involved in our lives. We have had a lot of great responses from people that have heard us for the first time at a show, and they come right up to us and encourage us to keep creating and performing. It is very humbling and inspiring to see that what we are doing as musicians in having at least a small impact on certain people's lives, and we are able to participate in that by socializing with our listeners. 

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
There have been some difficult moments in this process…being strapped for cash, or forgetting something for a show that is absolutely needed…but I truly believe that each experience we have is a valuable one, and can only teach us how to get better at what we do. So I wouldn't ever want to forget one single moment of this great adventure. 

If you could choose one of your songs as an advert for your music, what would it be and why?
I would choose History King to advert for our music. I may not have thought this months ago before we released the album because it is quite different from the other songs. But after getting heartfelt positive responses from listeners, both friends and people we don't even know, I think History King has been the most influential to people in a personal and emotional way. It is about my grandfather, who served in WWII, and how I saw him in his final days as walking proof of tales from the past. I think a lot of people today can relate to having a relative in a similar position, and they can identify with that feeling. The words are honest and raw, and though they can be interpreted as melancholy, they have a much deeper purpose -- to honor my grandfather and the legacy he left behind.

Where can we listen to it?

Where can we find out more about your music?
Our official site is
You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, and reverberation

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