Tuesday 11 March 2014

Palms and Pelicans Q&A

Your name: 
Mattea (guitar/vocals).

Where are you from? 
The New Forest, UK.

Name of band: 
Palms and Pelicans.

Who else is in your band? 
Jack (guitar/vocals), Matt (bass) and Will (drums).

How would you describe yourselves? 
A mixture - melodic pop, rock with a bit of shoegaze thrown in. have a listen!

Who are your main influences musically? 
We listen to a whole bunch of stuff, it's hard to say what has directly influenced our sound as we haven't intentionally set out to sound like anyone in particular. We listen to everything from The Stones Roses to The Streets. We all have completely different music tastes to each other so I really couldn't say

What do you hope to achieve in music? 
To be able to jack the normal 9 to 5 jobs forever and live off music..

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
Probably playing live on BBC Introducing - that was pretty special and exciting for us!

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
Hmm perhaps when our bassist Matt reversed into a brand new BMW just before we played gig. Matt's car was already beaten up so that was alright - but the owner wasn't too happy!

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why? 
Hmmm tricky one, perhaps Cut the Sky - it's one of our most up-beat songs and I think it might have something that appeals to everyone

Where can we listen to it? 

Anything else you’d like to say about your band/music that I forgot to ask? 
We have a brand new EP coming out this year which is our best material so far. Can't wait to get it out there.

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