Where are you from?
Chicago, Illinois (US).
Name of band:
Althea Grace Band.
Who else is in your band?
How would you describe yourselves?
Eclectic/indie meets soul/blues.
Who are your main influences musically?
Heart, ZZ Ward, Nirvana, Jimi
Hendrix, The Beatles and Pat Benatar.
What do you hope to achieve in music?
In the long run, I would hope to
achieve stability in music. If I can make music my career, I've made it.
What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
The highlight of my career was
playing blues on The Fox Fest with Los Lobos when I was only nine years old.
Playing for around 10,000 people so early in my career is what got me excited.
It really got me ready for the next big thing to come.
And what’s the moment you want to forget?
I played a gig at the local ski jump with my previous band,
U & What Army?. We showed up and played three hours later than expected, got
less playing time than the band that didn't even want to play, and got into it
with our drunk sound guy. It wasn't the best experience!
If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what
would it be and why?
would have to pick my new song "The Way" that I performed at my
appearance on WGN. It will be one of the songs on my new album, out this
Where can we listen to it?
Where can we find out more about your music?
Anything else you’d like to say that I forgot to ask?
I will be putting out my first album this
summer! It will have a couple songs I've already recorded (which you can find
on my Soundcloud) as well as some new songs I've been writing. Make sure to
check it out. I hope to have a bunch of new music in the near future.
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