Monday, 16 June 2014

Lee Negin Q&A

Your name:  
Lee Negin (sounds like 'Ray gun').

Where are you from? 
Originally the USA. I last lived in San Francisco. I left many years ago and have since lived in several countries, including India, the UK, Japan, Poland, etc.. I currently reside in Seoul, S. Korea.

Name of band:
Lee Negin.

Who else is in your band? 
Lee Negin (band of doppelgängers).

How would you describe yourselves? 
I'll only describe one of my selves this time. Upwardly bipedal, mobile (primarily), at times sentient humanoid; constantly moving happiness machine. 

Who are your main influences musically? 
The list is endless, in terms of artists, genres and cultures, and as of late I'm more influenced by visual artists and my life experiences, herbal blends and philosophical leanings. I create many genres of music (and fusions of them).

What do you hope to achieve in music? 

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why? 
The highlights are when the 'genie' appears - the moments when the sounds/concepts appear, with me acting as a conduit (could I be any more pretentious?). To put it into common parlance, the moments when I'm 'in the zone' both as a composer and a player.

And what’s the moment you want to forget? 
That Bar Mitzvah gig in Cleveland when I had to sing "Do You Think I'm Sexy" accompanied by two Rabbis wearing pastel leisure suits on clarinet, accordion and a Radio Shack Rhythm Box. After the set and three encores of' Stayin' Alive,' when the delirious crowd clacked their dentures in appreciation...well, money isn't everything, and you gotta pay your dues.

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why? 
Not possible. Again, my 'catalog' spans many years and many genres (often in the same track). However, my new album, a Technopera called "The Cheeze Chronicles: Volume V" is representative of what I'm up to these days.

Where can we listen to it?
You can hear samples at:

Where can we find out more about your music? 
That should get you started!

Anything else you’d like to say that I forgot to ask?
Thank you for the opportunity. 

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