Monday, 22 June 2015

Video for Never Quit from Pet Sun

STONER garage band Pet Sun have released a video for their track Never Quit.

The band from Hamilton, Ontario, are also planning to release their debut LP via The Hand Recordings this summer.

They told RealSoundsOK: "Never Quit was the first video we had a plot for, which actually made things pretty easy for us in the studio.

"Our bud Billy Moon was great to work with and bought us ridiculous amounts of pizza for dinner and many cold beers.

"Our costumes were running low so we had to do our best with a black balding wig, a cloak and some old face paint. An electric wizard was born and took over our lives.

"We had an idea about throwing a TV out the window, but the pizza took up too much of the budget. Next one."

You can watch the video below and for more head to

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