Thursday, 13 March 2014

The Tudors Q&A

Band name:
The Tudors.

Where are you from?
Grimsby, England.

Who is in your band?
Charlie (singer), Nathan (guitarist), Dylan (bassist) and Joe (drummer).

How would you describe yourselves?
We'd probably describe ourselves as an indie/alternative band.

Who are your main influences musically?
The Smiths, Kasabian, The Vaccines, Drenge and The Cure are our main influences. 

What do you hope to achieve in music?
Really just for people to appreciate our music and for people to come see us play. Oh and to headline Glastonbury, that wouldn't go a miss.

What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
Well we are only recently formed so really we've had no huge highlight. But being offered our first gig is probably our highlight as of yet. 

And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Charlie: Well I personally have a moment to forget by accidentally deleting our rough cover of Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men originally. That didn't go down too well. 

If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
Our rough cover of Little Talks or Norgaard really. It's our starting point, so to speak, and as us only being young and basically just dreaming of achieving the heights of for example Arctic Monkeys, we are pretty happy with it. But more shall be heading your way soon and we promise it will be much much better.

Where can we listen to it?


Where can we find out more about your music?
We have a Twitter page if you'd like to hit us up on that @thetudorsband and also a YouTube, under the same name. Facebook should be coming soon.


  1. Just a quick note for you readers our twitter handle has changed : @THETUDORSSS. If you wanna give us a follow

    1. Ignore that as we are now back on @thetudorsband. Sorry for any inconvenience caused there.
